CMRS Symposium on Multi-scale Materials Modeling held at Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS

CMRS Symposium on Multi-scale Materials Modeling (MMM’2011) organized by Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(SICCAS) was held in Shanghai, China, on July 4-7, 2011.

Consisting of more than 20 invited presentations, the symposium is dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge concerning advanced inorganic materials with exotic functions through computer simulations as evidenced by around 130 researchers and students attending the symposium, chaired by Prof. Dingsheng Wang from Institute of Physics, CAS. It provided a harmonious platform for computational material scientists and physicists to present their latest progress in methodology development, to promote the ideas exchanges among scientists and to speed up the applications of new approaches in the design of new structural and functional materials.

This year, the CMRS-MMM symposium was jointly held together with the Shanghai International Forum on Advanced Materials (SIFAM), initiated by SICCAS in 2007. The SIFAM forum series are set up to invite world-wide famous and active scientists to join together in Shanghai for addressing the state-of-the-art of the currently hot topics in the field of materials science and engineering. Each forum focuses on one topic and this is the 4th. This symposium and forum covered topics relating to the materials design and multi-scale simulations in inorganic functional materials, including computational prediction of electronic, optical, electrical, magnetic and other functional properties of advanced materials.

During the symposium, two tutorials for both beginners and advanced researchers was warmly welcomed, namely one focused on the advanced development for materials property prediction using VASP taught by Dr. Martijn Marsman from VASP group, Austria, and the other on thermodynamics and kinetics of Li ion Battery Materials taught by Prof. Anton van der Ven from University of Michigan.

Prof. Dingsheng Wang, Chairman

Invited speaker, Prof. David J. Singh

All the participants of MMM’2011 symposium